Aqueous Zone

Aqueous Ozone is formed when we take the water we drink and air we breathe to create the most powerful natural cleaner, sanitizer, and deodorizer.


Ozone is formed by taking air (O2) and giving it a jolt of electricity which adds an extra oxygen atom to form ozone (O3).


LiquidO3’s Aqueous Ozone solution is formed when you dissolve ozone gas into cold tap water in the form of tiny nanobubbles which is 2400x smaller than a grain of salt. This helps to prolong the use of the ozone gas in the cold water solution for creating the most powerful natural oxidizing cleaner, sanitizer, and deodorizer.


LiquidO3 patent-pending aqueous ozone systems takes ozone to a whole different level of cleaning and sanitizing without the use of chemicals. Our ability to prolong the use of ozone for the cleaning industry now opens the doors to endless applications. The oxidizing power of our LiquidO3 aqueous ozone systems is something that our customers have always said that it is a must see technology. The reason being is that it is so hard to believe that oxygen and water cleans better than your general cleaning chemicals..

Ozone (O3) is a tri-atomic molecule created by an electrical charge or UV that splits the oxygen (O2) molecule into separate oxygen atoms and bonds with other existing oxygen atoms to form ozone. Ozone is a light blue gas which has a higher density than the air we breathe which makes it ideal for air and water disinfection. Ozone in its gaseous or aqueous form eliminates bacteria, viruses, mold, fungus, algae, and other contaminants by destroying the cell membrane and then leaving no disinfection byproducts. It is completely safe and reverts back to oxygen or water which is completely harmless to our environment and marine life.

Aqueous ozone which consists of water and ozone has been used for over a 100 years for water disinfection to make safe and sanitized drinking water. Most people do not know that this process is commonly used in the consumer drink industry to keep us free of harmful contaminants. It is used to produce a majority of your water required products from bottled water, soda, beer, wine, juices, and more. In 2001, ozone was given the GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) approval by the FDA and in 2002 the USDA for direct contact with food products, including all meat and poultry products. Aqueous ozone is found to be the only chemical-free solution capable of disinfecting a 3-log reduction or greater and approved to be used directly on food or surface disinfection. By eliminating the bacteria and other microbes results in safer food, delay of decomposition, and prolonging freshness. Ozone is 50% stronger and 3000x faster acting than chlorine bleach.

The difficulty of using ozone as a general cleaner, sanitizer, and deodorizer is because ozone gas is highly unstable and the bubbles would just float out of the water solution. Then in 10-12 minutes on average your solution reverts back to plain water which is why we could not use aqueous ozone for cleaning and sanitizing until now.

LiquidO3’s patent-pending nanobubble aqueous ozone mixing technology prolongs the use of ozone in the form of nanobubbles so that we can use the solution as a general cleaner, sanitizer, and deodorizer over a substantial period of time. Nanobubbles are 2400x smaller than a grain of salt thus allowing more dissolved ozone gas to remain in the cold water. This now gives us the ability to harness the power of ozone to make an oxidizing solution more powerful than chlorine bleach to clean, sanitize, and deodorize without leaving residue like chemicals do.

Our LiquidO3 technology is ideal for businesses and residential going Green and sustainable. The 3-in-1 cleaning, sanitizing, and deodorizing solution lessens the time to clean by 50% or more thus lowering labor cost and freeing up more time to either clean things that you normally couldn't clean or give you more time to do other things. Because the SDS is 0-0-0 due to our solution consisting of just water and oxygen gives businesses the ability to be able to clean around people at any time and any place without having to shut down operations when using general cleaning chemicals. Another Green selling point of using aqueous ozone is that it requires cold water and not hot water thus reducing heating cost and space for a heater. Cleaning with aqueous ozone makes cleaning fun and safe without the requirement of PPE’s (personal protective equipment), chemical contact, and vapor inhalation. Aqueous ozone is a powerful surface cleaning solution which removes residual buildup left behind by biofilm and chemical buildup. We often tell everyone that you have to see it to believe it. When you see the after effects and touch the cleaned surface there is much to be admired. Some businesses have reported water reduction by as much as 90% like a case study of hospitals in Canada. Cleaning with aqueous ozone has now also given businesses such as food production plants the ability to operate 24/7 without having to shut down for the chemical cleaning processes. Ozone is USDA and FDA approved for direct food contact surfaces on not just fruits and vegetables but also seafood, meats, and poultry. Another benefit of aqueous ozone is that it was found to dry very fast which is why it is excellent for carpet cleaning and stain removal while avoiding microbial buildup. Once you install the unit you have the ability to make as much solution required on-demand with the touch of a button. AquaO3’s aqueous ozone technologies are there to safely reduce the demand for general cleaning chemicals and reduce carbon footprint causing global warming by not having to manufacture, ship (air, land, or sea), deliver, store, usage, and disposal of plastic bottles, boxes, packing materials, or expired chemicals.

Our technology was recognized as the Game Changer 2019 (Winner of the NTCC Netherlands/Thai Chamber of Commerce) business awards in sustainability and technology in the cleaning industry. We have delivered the ability to safely clean and sanitize everything from your fruits, vegetables, poultry, and meats all the way to your bathrooms, kitchens, carpets, floors, and garbage bins without any odors. You will just love the results and the uses are endless. Everything that you are now cleaning just got easier, and anything that you could not have cleaned in the past, now became possible. The best part about cleaning with LiquidO3 is that you will never have to inhale or come in contact with harmful chemicals. Cleaning has never become safer and more enjoyable until you try our line of aqueous ozone technologies from AquaO3.

AquaO3 is bringing you the here and now of optimal cleaning, sanitizing, and deodorizing.



Complete our information form and we will get in touch to have an initial discussion.

Ozone has been given GRAS approval by the USDA (2002) and the FDA (2001) for direct contact with food products, including all meat and poultry products. AquaO3's line of LiquidO3 products are recognized by the EPA (#101661-NE-1) for cleaning, sanitizing, and deodorizing.


AquaO3 LLC

225 Queen Street

Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

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